About me, Travel Lists

A year in review: 2023

Well, it's that time again. Time for me to jump on the bandwagon of writing an end-of-the-year wrap-up post. I always enjoy looking back at what I've accomplished in the year while also looking forward to the blank slate of the new year that awaits us. So without further ado: January I never really got… Continue reading A year in review: 2023

How To, Travel Lists

Backpacking 101

This post was originally published in May 2020 amidst the upheaval of everyone's travel plans, including ours. With the stay-at-home orders in place, our planned travels for the summer were replaced by local outings, including multiple backpacking trips through the Colorado mountains. Even as we've been able to travel more widely again, we've continued to… Continue reading Backpacking 101

About me, Travel Lists

A year in review: 2022

Well, another year has come and gone, and I'm not entirely sure how it happened. For us, 2022 was both more and less eventful than previous years. I admit, I may have been a little too ambitious for our first three years in Colorado. At the time, we didn't know if we would be staying… Continue reading A year in review: 2022

Travel Lists

A year in review: 2021

The past two years I've been rather ambitious with my annual roundup posts, listing all my adventures. What can I say? Colorado is amazing and I just want to share everything with you all! But in the interest of being a little more concise this year, I'm going to break it down by month and… Continue reading A year in review: 2021

Travel Lists

Ten Day Travel Photo Challenge – the locations revealed

Thank you to everyone who took the time to look through my ten photos and post their guesses! We had quite a few correct answers, some that were pretty close, and two photos that stumped everyone. Below I'll reveal each location and provide just a small bit of background information about each photo, as well… Continue reading Ten Day Travel Photo Challenge – the locations revealed

Travel Lists

Ten Day Travel Photo Challenge

By this point I'm sure you've all seen the 10-day photo challenge that's been floating around for about three months now. I’ve actually been nominated by multiple people: Maggie and Richard from Monkeys Tale, Angela from Suitcase Travel Blog, and Beth from ETB Travel Photography. But between the holidays and the start of spring semester,… Continue reading Ten Day Travel Photo Challenge

Colorado, Southwestern US, Travel Lists

A Year in Review: 2020

2020 has been a giant dumpster fire. On that, I think we can all agree. Pretty much everything that's happened this year has been unprecedented. I can only hope that better things are on the horizon for 2021. With all the lockdowns and travel restrictions, I've been more grateful than ever to live in Colorado.… Continue reading A Year in Review: 2020

About me, Travel Lists, Uncategorized

Diana’s Favorites: Sunrises and Sunsets

A couple years back, I started what was intended to be an ongoing series of “favorites” posts. I published favorite national parks lists for both the US and Canada... and then apparently I completely forgot about the whole thing. Recently, I was inspired to make another favorites list by Rebecca of Rebecca Goes Rendezvous (who… Continue reading Diana’s Favorites: Sunrises and Sunsets

About me, Travel Lists

Handstands: the A-Z Edition

We all know I'm obsessed with lists. But present circumstances have made my travel to-do list a little depressing; it's not getting any shorter, and my 2020 list of accomplishments is not getting any longer. But then I stumbled across a handful of A-Z travel lists here on WordPress and decided to jump on the… Continue reading Handstands: the A-Z Edition

How To, Travel Lists

A comprehensive guide to winter hiking

I never really gave any thought to winter hiking until we moved to Denver. I'd been snowshoeing twice, but that's about it. Here in Colorado, though, there are some truly stunning winter hiking opportunities, so we decided to tackle a new challenge. Before heading out for a hike in winter conditions, there are some additional considerations that aren't a typical part of summer hiking. With lots of help from other people and some of my own research, I've gradually acquired the knowledge and gear necessary to stay warm and safe while winter hiking. That's what I'd like to pass along to you today. We'll talk about necessary and optional gear, choosing an appropriate hike, and what to expect when you're on the trail.