Colorado, Colorado Hikes

Colorado Day Hikes: Forest Lakes

After somewhat of a lull in hiking in the latter portion of 2023, my 2024 hiking pursuits began just three days into the new year when Savannah invited me on a snowshoeing excursion to Forest Lakes. These lakes had been on my to-do list for a while but never seemed to make it close enough… Continue reading Colorado Day Hikes: Forest Lakes

Colorado, Colorado Hikes, Colorado Summits

Colorado Summits: Chief Mountain

This happens to everyone, right: you do something wrong and you get corrected and then you can never remember which version is wrong and which one is correct? As a kid I attended a school named for Chief Joseph and, in one of the more embarrassing moments of my time there, I misspelled the word… Continue reading Colorado Summits: Chief Mountain

Colorado, Colorado 13ers, Colorado Hikes, Colorado Summits

Colorado 13ers: Cupid Peak and Grizzly Peak D

My goal for this summer is to summit more mountains. So far, my progress has been subpar. I always go into the summer with so many plans and an endless list of hikes to accomplish, and inevitably time gets away from me and suddenly it’s almost time to go back to work and I’ve crossed… Continue reading Colorado 13ers: Cupid Peak and Grizzly Peak D

Colorado, Colorado Hikes, Colorado Summits

Colorado Summits: Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain

Let’s begin by answering the obvious question: it’s pronounced mess-tah-HAY. Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain is named for a Cheyenne woman who was also known as Owl Woman. Owl Woman was married to William Bent, a white settler, trader, and co-founder of Bents Old Fort trading post on the plains of Colorado in the 1800s. Their marriage was… Continue reading Colorado Summits: Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain

Colorado, Colorado 13ers, Colorado Hikes, Colorado Summits

Colorado 13ers: James Peak

About a month after summiting three 13ers in one day, I found myself back in the very same area as I made my way toward the summit of the adjacent 13,294 foot (4052 m) mountain: James Peak. It’s one that I’d wanted to climb for a couple years now, although I don’t know why, out… Continue reading Colorado 13ers: James Peak

Colorado, Colorado 13ers, Colorado Hikes, Colorado Summits

Colorado 13ers: Hagar Mountain

I skipped a hike. I don’t know how it happened, but I did. Back in early August 2021, Chelsea and I summitted 13er Hagar Mountain together. When I got home, I recorded it on my hike spreadsheet. I even started writing this post. But somehow, I never actually finished the write up or uploaded it to WordPress… a fact I didn’t realize until I was sorting through some photos last week. So this is a little (okay, a lot) out of chronological order, but here we go… Hagar Mountain. Pronounced 'hay-gar' or 'hay-gur' I assume, but I actually have no idea.

Colorado, Colorado 13ers, Colorado Hikes, Colorado Summits

Colorado 13ers: Mount Bancroft, Parry Peak, and Mount Eva

Sometimes, a hike ends up being more laid back than you thought it would be and goes more quickly than you expected. And sometimes, a hike is far more intense than you anticipated and it takes 8 hours to hike 7 miles (11.3 km). This hike was one of the latter. Chelsea and I set… Continue reading Colorado 13ers: Mount Bancroft, Parry Peak, and Mount Eva

Colorado, Colorado Hikes

Colorado Day Hikes: Herman Gulch

I first hiked Herman Gulch back in September 2018, a challenging but beautiful outing in the midst of peak fall color season. More recently, Pat, my mom, and I completed this hike in the summer and instead of yellow leaves we found ourselves surrounded by wildflowers. So I decided now would be a good time… Continue reading Colorado Day Hikes: Herman Gulch

Colorado, Colorado Hikes

Colorado Day Hikes: Silver Dollar and Murray Lakes

One really nice benefit to living in Denver is that my mom and I are now only a 70-minute, $100 flight away from each other. As a result, we’re able to see each other a lot more often than when I lived across the country. She does plenty of exploring on her own in Montana… Continue reading Colorado Day Hikes: Silver Dollar and Murray Lakes

Colorado, Colorado Hikes

Colorado Day Hikes: St. Mary’s Glacier

Most lists of “best hikes near Denver” include St. Mary’s Glacier. And with good reason. For a round-trip total of two hours of driving and 1.8 miles (2.9 km) of hiking, you can see a pretty subalpine lake, bristlecone pines, and stand on a glacier. Well… sort of. As it turns out, St. Mary’s Glacier… Continue reading Colorado Day Hikes: St. Mary’s Glacier