About me, Colorado

Life and blog update

When I mentioned my plans for 2024 back at the end of December, painful inflammation in my big toe and carpal tunnel in both wrists were definitely not on the list. Alas, that's a summary of my year so far, and orthotics and wrist braces have become a part of my daily attire. As a… Continue reading Life and blog update


Colorado sunrises and sunsets

Back in 2020, I created a post to share some of my favorite sunrise and sunset photos. While all the photos in that post are still among the best sunrises and sunsets I've captured on camera, three years have passed since then and I've accumulated numerous additional wonderful sunrise and sunset photos. And so, given… Continue reading Colorado sunrises and sunsets

About me, Travel Lists, Uncategorized

Diana’s Favorites: Sunrises and Sunsets

A couple years back, I started what was intended to be an ongoing series of “favorites” posts. I published favorite national parks lists for both the US and Canada... and then apparently I completely forgot about the whole thing. Recently, I was inspired to make another favorites list by Rebecca of Rebecca Goes Rendezvous (who… Continue reading Diana’s Favorites: Sunrises and Sunsets

Colorado, Colorado Bucket List, Colorado Destinations, Southwestern US

Colorado Bucket List: Sunrise at the Maroon Bells

I said when I began this Colorado Bucket List series that some of these “must-do” items are probably a little overrated and/or cliché. Some of them are also excessively popular and crowded. This is absolutely one of the most popular and crowded items on the list, but it’s by no means overrated. There’s a reason… Continue reading Colorado Bucket List: Sunrise at the Maroon Bells