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Diana’s Favorites: Sunrises and Sunsets

A couple years back, I started what was intended to be an ongoing series of “favorites” posts. I published favorite national parks lists for both the US and Canada… and then apparently I completely forgot about the whole thing. Recently, I was inspired to make another favorites list by Rebecca of Rebecca Goes Rendezvous (who was inspired by Chalk and Cheese Travels). The topic this time? Sunsets!

I happen to be an absolute sucker for sunsets (and sunrises too, so I’m adding them to this post). I love that they’re so bright and colorful. I love that each one is different. I love how they change as the sun moves in relation to the horizon. Fortunately, I’ve spent most of my life living in places that regularly have some pretty spectacular sunrises and sunsets. Long story short, I have an excessive quantity of sunset photos, and a handful of good sunrise ones too. If you like looking at such images, you’ve come to the right place!


Bozeman, Montana (2013)
Quandary Peak trail, Colorado (2018)

Bozeman, Montana (2019)


Bozeman, Montana (2011)
Bozeman, Montana (2011)
Bozeman, Montana (2012)
Bozeman, Montana (2013)
Bozeman, Montana (2015)
Chesapeake Bay, Virginia (2016)
Tuttle Creek Cove, Kansas (2018)
Thunder Lake, Colorado (2019)
Denver, Colorado (2019)
Lake Granby, Colorado (2020)
Denver, Colorado (2020)
Denver, Colorado (two days ago)

33 thoughts on “Diana’s Favorites: Sunrises and Sunsets”

  1. Such vivid colours, especially those in Denver! I would struggle to pick a favourite! Here in Cambridge the sunrises are usually better than the sunsets, but there was a lovely pinky sunset on Christmas Day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I appreciate it! Not sure I’ll have time to participate right now, but I’m currently putting together a ‘year in review’ post with lots of photos so that might end up being my contribution.

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    1. Right? Montana and Colorado both have some great skies! I was originally going to put these in order based on my favorites but it was an impossible task… which is why they’re chronological instead

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you! I appreciate it and I’ve enjoyed your daily photos! Not sure I’ll have time to participate right now, but I’m currently putting together a ‘year in review’ post with lots of photos so that might end up being my contribution.


  2. Glad I inspired you to create this post; your photos are GORGEOUS! The sunsets of Tuttle Creek Cove and Denver have especially captured my heart, enough to want to go to those places someday. My sunrise post will be up next month, but until then, I’ll admire the ones you have here. 🙂

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