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Liebster Award!

A few weeks back, I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Allison over at Travel Gourmand. Thanks, Allison! She’s recently (well okay, semi-recently, it’s taken me way too long to get around to making this post) been recounting her adventures through Greenland! It’s already on my Ultimate Travel List but every single photo of hers has only increased my desire to go there. Someday. When I have money. When will that be?

Anyway, getting back on topic here… the Liebster Award was created in 2011 to encourage bloggers to discover and promote new and emerging blogs.


If you are nominated to receive this award and you accept you must write a post following the rules below:

  • Post about the award on your blog
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog
  • Answer their questions about yourself, feel free to add photos
  • Nominate 5 – 10 people with fewer than 1000 followers, inform them via social media
  • Write your own set of questions for your nominees
  • Feel good about yourself for winning an award and passing it on

My responses to Allison’s Questions

  1. What is your favorite destination so far?
    Glacier National Park and the Canadian Rockies
  2. What is your least favorite destination so far?
    Hmmmm. Well, I’d have to say Chicago, because up until now, my experiences there consist of: being stuck in the airport, being stuck in the train station, being stuck in the bus station, and being stuck in traffic. But I’m going to a conference there in April so I’m hoping this will change my opinion, because I’ve heard it’s a fun city!
  3. If you were given a year just to travel, where would you like to go?
    Oh gosh, everywhere. But my top 20 places are listed here.
  4. What is your best travelling moment?
    That’s a tough question. It’s hard to pinpoint one single moment because there have been so many great ones. I guess the things that stand out the most are the things that I never thought I’d do. Things like visiting Prince Edward Island, taking a ferry to Nova Scotia, cliff-jumping in Lake Huron, and walking through a marble cave in Quebec. Jumping into Crater Lake, climbing Angel’s Landing, and climbing the tallest sand dune in North America definitely stand out as well. That was kind of a long-winded and not very specific answer, huh? Oops.
  5. Do you think traveler/backpackers have a duty to do their part for the environment?Absolutely! Obviously hopping on a plane and flying across the world isn’t ideal for our greenhouse gas situation. But travel itself should be noninvasive. The purpose of travel is to immerse yourself into another environment and leave it the way it was when you arrived. So yes, that means not littering, being energy conscious, etc. Basically just making as minimal an impact as possible.

My nominees:
Girl Gone Hiking – Lots of hikes in the Virginia area and on the Appalachian Trail – plus some photos of her cute dog!

The Adventures of a Day Hiker – Adventures and hikes in America’s National Parks and other beautiful landscapes. Since I post mostly about National Parks as well, I always enjoy reading someone else’s perspective of these special places.

Maxx Trails – RVing their way all over the US and Canada and sharing lots of photos along the way. I really enjoy following along with their adventures!

Paint Your Landscape – Luann shares her travel adventures, advice, and thoughts – and also very often leaves lovely comments on my posts. Thanks, Luann!

La Grenouille Anglaise – So many adventures. So many. And also because she recently nominated me for the Sunshine Award!

My questions to the above nominees are:

1. Where are you from, and what is the most common stereotype or misconception about your home town/state/country?

2. What is your least favorite part about traveling?

3. What is your favorite animal?

4. Summer or winter? Why?

5. What is the best food you’ve ever had while traveling?

11 thoughts on “Liebster Award!”

  1. I hope your next trip to Chicago changes your opinion about it – it was one of my favourite cities in the US when I visited, though I can’t quite pinpoint why! Just something about how compact it was, the atmosphere, the food… Thank you again for the nomination, have put this post on my to-write list 🙂

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